​New Tech Sourcing is an Independent Distributor of Electronic Components,Commercial, Industrial & Military Components. We can source all your MIL-SPEC High Reliability parts like Semi Conductors, Connectors, Switches & Relays. We are here to assist you in locating any HARD TO FIND or OBSOLETE PARTS you might need! We stock thousands of parts…

About NTS


New Tech Sourcing is an independent stocking distributor of commercial through military level electronics components and spare parts.

With over ten million components available and ready for shipment today and the industry’s most advanced real time tracking system, we can meet any requirement challenge.NTS’s highly trained and dedicated team is ready to compete directly with worldwide franchise distributors and put the “globe’s inventory at your fingertips” at a lower cost to you.

Technology To Provide Best Solutions

Ship From Stock. Provide Excellent Visibility Of Available Inventory From Around The Globe. Support Customers With Lower Cost Alternatives To Traditional Franchise Supply.


NTS's aerospace team delivers products made from every major manufacturer of aerospace products...

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We couldn’t run a worldwide enterprise that sets the global standard...

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Most Companies find us extremely resourceful in working on the last 20% of the Bill of Materials...

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Ship from stock.
Provide excellent visibility of available inventory from around the globe.
Support customers with lower cost alternatives to traditional franchise supply.
Ship allocated and obsolete parts.
Cross referencing of allocated and obsolete parts – while franchise distributors offer crosses to their lines. NTS sales professionals are experienced in crossing to every manufacturer. When a long lead time is unacceptable or on an obsolescence issue, we will provide the best solution.
Same day shipping – No “cut off time” for shipping here. If we have it in domestic stock and you need it yesterday, we will find a way to get it there!

Aerospace Division

Our Aerospace division has acquired the business of the aviation, electronic, electrical and aerospace community. We supply all domestic and international airlines, MRO’s and manufacturers.

Whether you are replenishing stock or have a time sensitive emergency. NTS is your proven support team.

In addition to our inventory, NTS has access to multiple consignments and proprietary sources for spare parts, which allows us to provide merchandise difficult to find on the open market.


On current products We provide a 5 year warranty. NTS has the strongest warranty in the open market. we build relationships by standing behind what we sell QUALITY Every package that is shipped goes out with NTS name and reputation. All non-factory sealed product is hand inspected twice to ensure exact compliance with quality. Our valued customers and NTS staff have more important tasks than to contend with unnecessary RMAs. With NTS, you will receive first quality parts on every order.

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